How to connect a ps4 controller to windows 10 bluetooth

 How to connect a ps4 controller to windows 10 bluetooth

Below is your guide on How to connect a ps4 controller to windows 10 bluetooth, and make it fun and genuine for your gaming experience. In both wired and wireless modes, you can connect your PS4 controller to your Windows 10. Bluetooth or a USB cable are the most popular ways of doing things.

How to connect a ps4 controller to windows 10 bluetooth, Link your DualShock Wired Controller to your PC

All you have to do to attach a PS4 controller to Windows 10 is plug it in and then Windows installs the driver automatically and starts it.

Connecting your Windows 10 to your PS4 controller is as simple as it seems, as it is natively supported by the DS4 controller with the latest updates to Windows 10 

Connect your DualShock controller wirelessly to your Windows 10 device

1. Turn Bluetooth ON on your Windows 10.

2.Switch on the DualShock remote.

3.Click on the controller along with the PlayStation + Sharing buttons and wait for the light to start blinking on the controller.

4.Now, go to Settings for Windows > Computers > Bluetooth & Other > Add Bluetooth or Other Devices.

5. Eventually, wait a while and allow the program to be installed on your windows.

How to connect a ps4 controller to windows 10 bluetooth, Use Microsoft DS4Windows

To attach a PS4 controller to Windows 10, you can also opt for third-party solutions. Here’s your guide to using DS4windows to connect your PS4 controller to Windows 10:

1.First, download DS4windows

2.Once the .zip file of DS4Windows has been downloaded, extract it and run DS4Windows.exe.

3.Click on “Step 1: Install the DS4 driver” after the DS4 window starts.

4.Click “Finish” once you have installed the driver.

5.Go to the setup app and then to Devices > Bluetooth.

6. Switch the bluetooth on and hold the PS and Sharing buttons before the light begins to blink.

To disable/disconnect the Windows 10 PS4 Controller, follow these steps:

1. Go to DS4Windows and press the “Stop” button.

2.Now open the app for settings > devices > bluetooth, then toggle on and off bluetooth.

Finally, go to the DS4Windows again and click the PS button on your controller to reconnect the controller to your PS4.

NOTE: You don’t have to use bluetooth or your computer device to pair them together if you want to attach your controller using a USB cable. Only follow the same steps above and connect to your controller using a micro USB cable instead of bluetooth.

InputMapper Applications 5.Download and install

To attach a PS4 controller to Windows 10, here’s another third-party solution for you. Here’s your guide to using Inputmapper software to connect your PS4 controller to your Windows 10:

1.Download the Program Inputmapper

2.Install and attach your PS4 controller now using a USB cable or bluetooth.

3.Next, use bluetooth to toggle the bluetooth on your computer system and keep the PS and sharing buttons on the controller. Link your Windows 10 computer to your PS4 controller.

4. Eventually, go to the input mapper and your controller will immediately be recognized and prepared for use.

We hope you were helped by the above article to attach a PS4 controller to Windows 10 and make the gaming session more enjoyable.


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