How to check version of vlc player
What is VLC Media Player?
VLC (VLC Media Player) is a free and open source media player and multimedia framework written by the VideoLAN project. It’s a media player, encoder, and streamer for Windows, macOS and unix based operating systems, Mobile devices, Android, iOS, etc., supporting many audio and video codecs and file formats as well as VCDs, Dvd’s and various streaming protocols. It is able to stream over networks and to transcode multimedia files and save them into various formats.
The default distribution of VLC includes a large number of free decoding and encoding libraries; on the Windows platform, this greatly reduces the need for finding/calibrating proprietary plugins. Many of VLC’s codecs are provided by the libavcodec library from the FFmpeg project, but it uses mainly its own muxer and demuxers. It also gained distinction as the first player to support playback of encrypted DVDs on Linux by using the libdvdcss DVD decryption library.
● VLC media player has some filters that can distort, rotate, split, deinterlace, mirror videos, create display walls, or add a logo overlay. It can also produce video output as ASCII art. Using a FireWire connection from cable boxes to computers, VLC can stream live, unencrypted content to a monitor or HDTV.
● VLC media player can display the playing video as the desktop wallpaper, like Windows DreamScene, by using DirectX (only available on Windows Operating Systems); can do screencasts and record the desktop.
● On Microsoft Windows, VLC also supports the Direct Media Object (DMO) framework and can therefore make use of some third-party DLLs. On most platforms, VLC can tune in to and view DVB-C, DVB-T and DVB-S channels. On Mac OS X the separate EyeTV plugin is required, and on Windows it requires the card’s BDA Drivers.
● VLC can be installed and run directly from an external drive and can be extended through scripting. It uses the Lua scripting language.
● VLC can play internet radios and podcasts.
● VLC can convert DVDs and transcode videos into various other formats.
● VLC provide libdvdcss for apps like Handbrake to rip protected DVDs.
Launch VLC Media Player
Press Shift + F1 on your keyboard to go “About”. A window will open showing you the version of VLC your computer system is running and give you some information on VLC Media Player.
Use the Menu Bar
Launch the VLC Media Player
On the menu bar, Click on Help, a drop menu will show up, Click on About
A window will open showing you the version of VLC your computer system is running and give you some information on VLC Media Player.
Hope with this, you have been to learnt How to Check the version of VLC Media Player You are running
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